January 19, 2025

Home loans more accessible for former cancer patients.?

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Home loans

Summer is approaching, holidays too, like every month, the month Home loans of June will bring its share of changes for the French. Here is a non-exhaustive list :First good news, from June 1 , former cancer and hepatitis C patients will again be able to obtain a mortgage under the same conditions as other borrowers five years after  Home loans their recovery .In addition, loan insurance becomes cancellable at any time for new contracts, while the medical questionnaire is removed for loans of less than 200,000 euros.

More transparent life insurance management fees

From now on, entities that offer retirement savings plans (PER) and life insurance products will be required to clearly  Home loansdisplay on their website the management fees they will receive.The standardized tables presenting the terms and conditions of these direct debits should help consumers to make their choice.

Faster account openings

Another development planned for June 1 : the possibility for customers to open a bank account more quickly . This will be possible by requesting Home loans the Banque de France more quickly in the event of a problem.

End of winter break

June 1 will also mark the end of the winter break , so rental evictions can resume. Since April 1 , this truce had been extended for two months. According to estimates by the Abbé Pierre Foundation, these evictions could affect nearly 30,000 households .

Increase in gas prices

The regulated gas prices applied by Engie have increased by 4.4%, from June 1. An increase due to rising gas prices on the world market, as well as low European stocks linked to the war in Ukraine. It will rise to 1.2% for customers who use gas for cooking , 2.6% for those who have dual use, cooking and hot water, and 4.6% for homes that are heated with gas . .

Our other news

Are you looking to finance your real estate project, but your debt ratio does not allow you to calmly consider your purchase? Do not panic, faced with this situation, there are solutions, in particular one often little considered: the repurchase of credits.Long reduced to a role of last bastion before over-indebtedness , the repurchase of credits can nevertheless make it possible to free up borrowing capacity in order to finance a new project.

Credit consolidation, how does it work?

In fact, a consolidation of credits will allow a borrower to consolidate his various outstanding debts into a single monthly payment . It will thus allow a much simpler financial management.It allows above all, by agreeing to an extension of the duration of the loan, to reduce its monthly payments by up to 60% . In addition, all types of credits may be affected by this operation. A significant asset when you want to embark on a new project.Faced with the tightening of the conditions for granting mortgages, borrowers can no longer borrow if their debt ratio exceeds 35%.In this situation, the grouping of credits can thus turn into a powerful ally . In addition to lowering its debt ratio.

Moreover, the use of a group of loans can prove to be relevant in different situations, it can make it possible to finance the purchase of a new car, work and it can also make it possible to anticipate a possible drop in purchasing power .A recognized specialist in the field of loan consolidation, the specialists at Boursedes Crédits will be able to support you throughout your project.

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