Paul Favret Discuss Why People Should Consider Investing in Renewable Energy
3 min read
With the growth of the global population, the energy demand across the world is also rising. To meet this demand, renewable energy sources are now becoming highly favorable options. After all, non-renewable energy sources like oil, gas, and coal contribute to global warming and climate change. The current situation makes it a prudent move to invest in renewable energy. Paul Favret, the owner and founder of Abundant Investments, liquidated its Oil and Gas Investments recently. He now aims at pivoting to more sustainable options like geothermal, solar, and wind.
Paul Favret talks about why it is a prudent move to invest in renewable energy
The energy industry is not always recognized for its rapid development. But renewable energy has surely been thriving in it for more than a decade. The population across the planet is expanding, and so is the need for energy. While non-renewable energy sources are still widely used to meet this demand, renewable options are slowly catching up. Renewable energy supplies are derived from natural sources. Hence, they can be renewed in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, renewable energy benefits both the environment and human health. They aid in combating the concerns of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Renewable energy is rising visibly and even challenging fossil fuels. Financials of renewable energy companies are improving, and the technologies used by them are also advancing. As more money enters the business, renewable energy can actually prove to be one of the hottest parts of the market over the next decade. At the moment, the market is very favorable for renewable energy stocks. Many brokerages are also betting on renewable stock for future investing strategies.
A lot of countries have begun zero-emission programs across the world, thereby increasing the prominence of renewable energy. At the same time, renewable energy production is becoming less expensive. An increasing number of people are choosing to explore alternative energy sources today. Growing worries about climate change are among the key factors influencing this trend. Investors today are increasingly considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns. This attracts them to renewable energy companies. There is no question that renewable energy does have a promising future. Hence, investors keeping stocks of renewable-energy firms can yield substantially in the long done.
Abundant Investments was established in 2001 by Paul Favret to invest in energy. A number of geothermal, solar, and wind projects in the west have the proper ingredients to provide returns to shareholders. These projects are focused on creating a sustainable energy future.
A growing number of families are using solar for a variety of energy applications. Bio-energy is another rapidly expanding sector. It accounts for almost one-tenth of the worldwide energy supply. As per experts, investing in clean energy is important to reduce global emissions in the long term. Investing in an ETF (exchange-traded fund) is also a great way for investors to contribute to the green energy sector. However, before making any investment, it is important to do proper research on the company.